Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thank you punk hoody (for keeping me both safe and warm)

Punk Hoody
(actual picture taken just before leaving the apartment)

I think I almost got mugged last night. Yup. Maybe it would have really happened, maybe not. I definitely felt unsafe. Here's the story:

I left ye olde apartment last night to walk around the block, listen to Pete and the Fall Out Boys sing to me and I stopped on the corner of Brockton and Santa Monica, very close to my apartment. I noticed two gentlemen ride up on bikes. They were speaking Spanish and eyeing me. (Speaking Spanish does not make one more likely to mug someone, I'm not an idiot or a racist... I just don't speak it so I was a little off balance)

One of the gentlemen then rode his bike up next to me and continued giving me the stink eye and talking to the other one. The, get this, the other one rides up next to me too. Keep in mind... Midnight, Los Angeles, deserted street scene. I'm just saying they have plenty of free space to stand, just don't do it a foot from me.

So they both keeping eyeing me and talking until one decided to shove off. He took off and yelled to the other one, leaving me a little rattled but thankful for my new punk hoody (See pic above from the night in question)

I'm not sure I would've been mugged anyway, but had I been wearing something else less...stand-offish, I probably would've been in trouble. That's why I say, thank you punk hoody.

To order one for yourself and for other cool punk schwag... Check out The Clandestine website

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