Monday, June 22, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My new favorite website

This is pure win on so many levels. Check out for more. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Milky Way Rising

Earthquake Kit


Quick and Dirty Earthquake Kit

Because of last night's quake here in Los Angeles a lot of friends today have been talking about earthquake kits and what they should have in them. We have plans for a much more involved post about a home survival kit, or "bug in bag" for a situation where you are trapped in your home for an extended period of time without power or water, but a simple earthquake kit is a good start for that. Obviously if you don't live in earthquake country this isn't as urgent, but for those of us who are it's a good thing to keep in mind. That said, after the jump are the basics you should have.

  1. Water and food to last at least three days for each person in the house. One gallon of water per person per day is a good baseline.
  2. A backup way to purify water. You can buy tablets, or use household bleach (non-scented!) 6-8 drops per gallon of water will do the trick.
  3. Gloves. If there is a quake and you need to move broken glass or debris these will save you from getting hurt.
  4. A basic first-aid kit. Neosporin, bandaids and a few larger bandages are a good start. Keep in mind that if you don't know how to use something it's pointless to have in your kit. Also, super glue. Trust me on this, for cuts that might need stitches but need to get sealed up fast super glue is the best option you can have.
  5. Cash. In the forums Fixer recommended $100 in $10's and $20 in $1's. I'd recommend $100 at the very least. If power is out for a few days and you can find a store that is open chances are cash will be king.
  6. A flashlight. And a good one at that. Get something solid and bright. Pro tip: Take the batteries out before storing it.
  7. A battery powered or wind-up radio. If the power goes out, this will be the only way you'll know how long until it comes back on.
  8. Extra batteries for the flashlight and radio. This is important, if the flashlight and radio both use AA grab a bunch of those, but skip the C and 9volts.
  9. A dust mask for every person in the house. This will save you from breathing in a bunch of crap if there is a lot of damage in your area.
  10. Baby wipes.

Again, we'll have a more detailed post coming soon which will cover many more situations than simply no power or water for a few days because of an earthquake, but if you were wondering there it is. Most of that stuff can be picked up on the cheap locally no matter where you live, but if going out in public and buying things in person is too much to ask we have 'em in our store as well.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Writing every day

First off, I just want to manage any lofty expectations that the title of this post might have accidentally sparked. I will not be writing every day. I was just this morning thinking about the process of writing and accomplishment.

I have a friend who is constantly working on writing. This is who he is and when we wrap work for the day when we're on the road filming, he goes back to his room and writes. I, on the other hand, go back to my room and watch tv or watch stupid videos on the internet. I know, right? I rightly feel like a lump on a log, because that's about the long and short of my life on the road. This has lead to my feeling somewhat useless and that I need to accomplish something that isn't work related. I also was wondering if I had to keep a diary or a journal of what I did every day, it might actually spur me on to do something. At least that way I could say, today I... you get the idea. I have to admit, I kind of stole this idea from The Ricky Gervais podcast, which I will get into later. Basically though, the hilarious podcast features the shaved chimp with a head like a fucking orange, Karl Pilkington. Ricky and Stephen Merchant (who created the original Office series) gave Karl a diary with the instruction of filling it out every day for a year. This served as a catch all for his bizarre thoughts, but it also somewhat pushed him towards not sitting in a caf and having some tea or sitting in his flat and watching bugs, but actually doing things, every day. Since life is so short, and it is no matter how you live, one really needs to accomplish something. I actually have the goal of producing more content than I consume, but I'm not sure if that's a realistic goal.

So to this end, I began working on a music project this weekend. I really want to put together an entire album. To have a completed work and say, look at this, look at what I accomplished. That's all I want. That and to have my xbox 360 live again, but directly contradicts my goal of accomplishing... stuff. I'm sure I can find a balance.

As ofr the album, I will make it available for download when I am finished with, because it would never be something I would want to sell. I'm doing this for me.

I'm also working on: Editing a short story, writing another, working on an idea for a tv show and listening to the Adam Carolla Podcast, and the Ricky Gervais Podcast featuring Karl Pilkington and Stephen Merchant. I recommend both highly, as well as the guys behind Road Dog Radio's podcast, very funny stuff. The thing about all those projects though, is that I don't really do much work on any of them. I wouldn't count any of them as being productive until I actually finish something. Anyway, that's what's up for now.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

8-Bit Dark Knight

Check out this absolutely perfect intro for an 8-bit Dark Knight NES game. Of course, it's made by Sunsoft, who created the first Batman NES game that was so well done in the early 90's.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


It's been a while since I've done this, but I'm feeling thankful for some nice things in my life, and so despite being a few months past Thanksgiving, here's my list.

  • My wife
  • Family
  • Additional Cat
  • Waking up early to come home
  • Being there with good friends again
  • Laser Tag - Reminds me of Q-Zar
  • Obama got elected!
  • Being off work
  • My health
  • Feeling useful
  • Z-Machine interpreters
I'm sure there are many many things I am thankful for, but I can't remember them right now. Let's just blanket say I'm thankful period.
